Police say many cruisers have been hit because of drivers not being careful

The string of winter storms that have hit Massachusetts and the rest of New England have created extremely dangerous driving conditions. This fact was highlighted by state police recently, who say they have seen a 300 percent increase in the number of police cruisers being hit by civilian vehicles this winter, according to the Concord Monitor. Police say that most of the car accidents have involved a person who was driving dangerously, such as by speeding or while distracted. They say that the steep increase should serve as a reminder to all drivers to take extra caution while on the road this winter.

Cruisers out of commission

State police say they have had 19 of their cruisers struck by civilian vehicles since November, nearly three times the rate compared to last winter. Five of the cruisers that were struck have been totaled, while damages to all 19 cruisers amount to over $200,000. Fortunately, nobody was killed in any of the accidents, but five officers and one civilian did suffer non-life-threatening injuries.

While winter driving tends to be more dangerous given the slippery conditions and reduced visibility, police say most of the crashes involving their vehicles were also at least partially due to driver negligence. In 14 of the 19 accidents, police say the driver was going too fast for the conditions. Police also say that distracted driving continues to be a problem that is made all the more dangerous during snowy and icy conditions.

Dangerous storms

Police pointed to the increase in cruiser accidents as a sign that all drivers need to be extra cautious during the winter months. Several recent snowstorms have made for difficult driving conditions, with NECN reporting numerous crashes and spinouts across the region, including serious truck accidents on some major highways.

Police say that the best way to avoid a crash when conditions are treacherous is by staying off the road altogether. However, if people must drive, experts caution them to slow down. Even when a road or highway appears clear, ice may still be present. Police are also reminding drivers that Massachusetts law requires motorists to move over when passing a cruiser stopped along the side of the road. This law is especially important to follow during winter when officers often must share breakdown lanes with piles of plowed snow.

Motor vehicle accidents

As the above story shows, winter driving is dangerous and it is a danger that is exacerbated by drivers who fail to follow the rules of the road. Anybody who has been hit and injured by a negligent or reckless driver should talk to a personal injury attorney. Accidents can prove not only painful but costly, as well. An experienced attorney may be able to help accident victims recover compensation that can go a long way towards covering such unexpected and burdensome costs.

Contact Finbury & Sullivan, P.C.

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