Experiencing a work-related injury or illness can be incredibly painful and stressful, as you are not only forced to contend with serious medical concerns but also deal with things like financial expenses and workers’ comp claims. Submitting your workers’ compensation claim correctly the first time can go a long way to help your request be processed correctly and efficiently. Provided below are a few helpful tips to keep in mind when submitting your initial injury claim.

The Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development discusses the workers’ compensation application process, and explains that it is necessary for all applicants to be as thorough in their answers as possible. The Department of Industrial Accidents processes injury claims, and relies on the information you provide to expedite their services. Consequently, it is advised that you answer the questions on the Employee Claim – Form 110 to the best of your ability before submitting it to the DIA.

In addition to requesting information like your full name and contact details, the claims form asks for the contact information of your employer as well as their workers’ compensation insurance company. In the event that your employer is unwilling to provide you with this information, the DIA can assist in the matter.

You will also be asked to explain the kind and nature of injury or illness that you sustained. This type of information includes listing the body parts that are affected by your injury, as well as multiple injuries in some cases. Beyond that, you will be expected to provide the date of your original injury or illness, the date that you stopped earning full wages and the fifth day of lost wages.

Once the application is completed, it is recommended that you make multiple copies and submit them to the appropriate agencies as soon as possible. Other details like willful misconduct on the part of your employer can also play a role in your workers’ comp claim. The information provided here is only a general overview of the application process.

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