DUI Defense Attorney

OUI Defense Attorney in Haverhill

Massachusetts and New Hampshire Lawyers

If you’ve been arrested for driving (operating) under the influence, it’s in your best interest to speak to a immediately. At Finbury & Sullivan, P.C., we have years of experience working with individuals like you who have been charged with OUI in the state of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Your legal rights and freedom are in jeopardy, so having an experienced lawyer by your side is critical. If you are convicted, you could face a hefty fine, jail time, and even lose your driver’s license for a period of time. The best way to avoid these things is to hire a highly-rated OUI defense attorney in Haverhill from our Massachusetts law firm.

Massachusetts OUI Laws

In Massachusetts, it is illegal to drive or operate a motor vehicle if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. According to , a person is too impaired to drive if their blood alcohol concentration is .08 or greater or if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If a driver is under 21, they cannot have a BAC of .02% or greater.

After being charged with OUI, it’s imperative to contact one of our experienced Haverhill OUI defense attorneys. We have the experience needed to defend you in court.

What Our OUI Defense Law Firm in Haverhill Can Do For You

Whether you’ve been charged with OUI, DUI (driving under the influence), or DWI (driving while intoxicated), our OUI defense attorney team can represent you and preserve your freedom. We have years of experience and extensive knowledge in criminal defense and OUI law, which we can use in court to defend you the way you deserve.

At Finbury & Sullivan, P.C., we offer free no-obligation legal consultations. To schedule this important conversation to discuss what you need to fight your OUI charge, call our law office at (978) 374-4736 today.


Contact Finbury & Sullivan, P.C.

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