$750,000.00 Verdict for a Woman Injured in an Auto Collision

$750,000.00 Verdict for a Woman Injured in an Auto Collision

$750,000.00 verdict in Newburyport Superior Court for a woman injured in an auto collision. The insurance company offered $75,000.00 to settle, one-tenth of the ultimate verdict. That offer was refused and we went to trial. With interest, the verdict exceeded...
$316,000 – Jury Verdict

$316,000 - Jury Verdict

In Essex Superior Court – Lawrence – A Mailman was attacked by two dogs in the course of his employment injured back and neck fleeing the animals. Evidence included two neck surgeries and back surgery and over $100,000 in medical bills. $250,000 jury verdict plus...
$450,000 Verdict

$450,000 Verdict

$450,000 verdict in Hillsborough County Superior Court (Manchester, NH) dram shop against a bar that over-served a patron who later crashed his car, injuring the plaintiff who was a passenger. Contact Finbury & Sullivan, P.C. Name* First Last Email* Phone*Notes* I...
$400,000 Verdict in Middlesex County Superior Court

$400,000 Verdict in Middlesex County Superior Court

$400,000 verdict in Middlesex County Superior Court (Cambridge, MA) for a young man injured at the Haverhill train station when the train began pulling out as he was boardi]ng it. The offer to settle by the defendant was $25,000, which was rightfully refused. Contact...
$220,000 Verdict for a Young Man

$220,000 Verdict for a Young Man

$220,000 verdict in Essex County Superior Court (Lawrence, MA) for a young man with aspirations to become a plumber. His vehicle was rear-ended and he sustained soft tissue injuries to his back. His medical bills were approximately $7,000, including $5,000 for...
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