Health Insurance for $250,000
Client rear-ended and case settled for $250,000 (policy limits) involving upper extremity surgery and resulting complications from heart attack. Contact Finbury & Sullivan, P.C. Name* First Last Email* Phone*Notes* I have read the disclaimer. All fields are required...
Case for $360,000
Employee injured right knee while in the course of his employment; had surgery and case settled for $360,000. Contact Finbury & Sullivan, P.C. Name* First Last Email* Phone*Notes* I have read the disclaimer. All fields are required fields.Origination...
Case for $460,000
Nurse injured her back while preparing patient for transportation; aggravated prior mental ailments and pre-existing fibromyalgia settled for $460,000. Contact Finbury & Sullivan, P.C. Name* First Last Email* Phone*Notes* I have read the disclaimer. All fields are...
Bodily Injury Case for $100,000
Employee of Catering Company injured right major shoulder while a passenger in a school van; settled workers’ compensation case for $150,000, bodily injury case for $100,000 and got her on Social Security Disability. Contact Finbury & Sullivan, P.C. Name* First Last...