When a car accident occurs on an interstate in Massachusetts, the results can often be deadly. This is because with the higher speeds at which automobiles travel on the freeway, there is more likely to be severe damage when an accident occurs. There is also evidence that exists that points to the fact that the faster you drive, the more likely you are to be involved in a car accident. This is especially true for drivers who are traveling at a much faster speed than other drivers around them.

An accident that occurred in Longmeadow, Massachusetts recently ended with two people being taken via ambulance to a local hospital. Although authorities are not sure of the condition of the victims, their injuries are thought to not be life-threatening. One of the injured was driving a car that was registered in Connecticut, the other was from Massachusetts.

The accident occurred on a Friday evening at a few minutes after 8. Two vehicles which were traveling northbound on I-91 collided with each other just a mile after entering Massachusetts. Authorities responded to the scene where traffic was backed up for around 90 minutes.

Those involved in the accident may wish to consult with a personal injury attorney about their case, particularly if the damages done to their vehicles and their injuries were severe in nature. A lawyer can advise them on how best to proceed and may be able to help them get compensation for their pain and suffering, medical expenses and damages done to their vehicles.

Source: Mass Live, “2 car crash on I-91 sends 2 to hospital,” Dave Canton, Mar. 8, 2014

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